Thursday, June 3, 2010

PAAWNY Condems Attacks on Ahmadiyya Community

(Buffalo, NY-5/28/2010)

The Pakistani American Association of Western New York condemns the recent
attacks in Lahore, the cultural heartland of Pakistan, on Ahmediya community
and their places of worship. We believe that the attack on Ahmediya
community is an attack on the unity and sovereignty of Pakistan. This is the
time for Pakistani government and Pakistani people to unequivocally denounce
the religious bigotry and violence based on extremism by aggressively
pursuing the perpetrators and persecuting them to the fullest extent of the
law. Locally Pakistani community joins the Ahmediya community in praying for
those who have lost their lives and their loved ones. We stand by them at
this hour of tragedy and suffering.

This incident underlines the continuous sacrifices that Pakistani people are
subjected to in the U.S. lead war on terror. The targeted killing of
minority sects is the last ditch effort by the religious extremists and
Pakistan¹s ill wishers. They have been using this sinful tactic to divide
and destroy the very fabric of the Pakistani society. We urge the Pakistani
community all over the world to stay united and stand against the religious

We must find our renewed commitment to religious freedom in Pakistan in this
quote by the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah:

³You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to
your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan.
You may belong to any religion, caste or creed --that has nothing to do with
the business of the State.²

Community members who will like to donate to help the victims and their
families please contact any of the following organizations.

a. EDHI Foundation:

b. International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC):

c. Pakistan Red Crescent Society:



Faizan Haq, President

Pakistani American Association of Western New York

(716) 923-4390

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